VIDEO GAME: The Bridge (2013)
The Bridge
Year: 2013
Rating: E
Time Played: 164 minutes / 2.73 hours
Having been a fan of M. C. Escher's works for some time, I thought a game like The Bridge would be an interesting take on his mind-bending illustrations. Presented in a black-and-white monochrome to match Escher's illustrations, The Bridge uses rotation and platforming to solve physics-based puzzles. Unfortunately, because of these two gameplay mechanics, this game was a bit more frustrating than I expected. When solutions to puzzles aren't based on logic as much as they are based on being able to control the physics, it just isn't fun to play.
I picked up and played The Bridge several times over a few years. Every once in a while, I'd get some distance from it and think that I should try to tackle the next puzzle that stumped me weeks or months ago. And after completing this puzzle and a few more after it, I'd get stuck again and the entire process...