Chrono TriggerChrono Trigger
Year: 2008
Rating: E10+
Time Played: 34.27 hours

I’ve tried to play through Chrono Trigger for a few decades now. Ever since my family lucked out and found this game in a Super Nintendo bundle at a garage sale, I’ve played through the first half of this game multiple times. Heck, I even bought it on the Wii virtual console because I had such fond memories of it, despite never having reached the end credits. It wasn’t until I bought this game (again) for the Nintendo DS that I could truly appreciate the top-notch game Chrono Trigger from beginning to end.

While I definitely appreciated some of the improvements the DS version made to the game (including automatic running and visible health/magic bars), the base game is mostly identical to the SNES version from 1995. What’s amazing about this game is how it truly changed the JRPG formula by putting the battles right there on the screen with no cuts or transitions. Additionally, the “open world” this game provided after the first half of the game was complete is something that modern gamers might take for granted now but was revolutionary for its time in the 16-bit era.

The thing I think makes Chrono Trigger timeless (ha ha) is the collection of top-notch elements. Memorable music. Unique characters. Intertwining plotlines. Vivid settings. Ultimately, its time travel mechanic (which is partly why The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has held up over time as well) is what helps cement this game as one of the best games ever made. That the game nudges you to explore all the open-world portions before diving into the final boss is just testament to how it made grinding levels something you didn’t even notice you were doing because you were out exploring all the game had to offer.

A mold-breaking JRPG that can easily claim the title of “best video game ever,” I give Chrono Trigger 5.0 stars out of 5.

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