Year: 2022
Rating: R
Length: 158 minutes / 2.63 hours

I hate to say that Tár (2022) is what’s wrong with Oscar nominees, but it’s really what’s wrong with Oscar nominees. I had only seen a trailer for this movie once and it was a vague two minutes of Cate Blanchett blowing smoke, followed by her briefly conducting an orchestra. There was nothing to indicate to me what this movie was about. Then it was released on the coasts, never making it to the Colorado Springs cinemas until it was nominated for Best Picture and I was given the chance to watch it.

Tár is weird. It’s psychological and unapologetic about never explaining itself. I get that it’s intended as an almost “out of body” experience following the titular character around. The “artsy” aspects of Tár’s clearly untreated mental illness left me scratching my head more often than not. Still, I enjoy classical music and attending the Philharmonic, so it was interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes for a conductor. Even if the conductor is an entirely unlikable character. It takes a little while to figure out exactly how much she’s unlikable, but the results are clearly there.

Despite its obvious Oscar-bait qualities, Tár is an interesting examination of cancel culture. There are moments where the bubble of Tár’s inflated ego is prodded with the consequences of her actions. It’s subtle at first, but that she remains so oblivious to the overwhelming sentiment against her is partly what makes this an interesting film to watch. It’s almost amusing how oblivious she remains to the things happening outside of her that she’s basically blindsided by the results at the end. Maybe its the schadenfreude of having a successful individual face the consequences of their narcissism that redeems this movie.

A “weird” psychological examination of a narcissist being canceled, I give Tár 3.5 stars out of 5.

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