Year: 2009
Rating: Not Rated
Length: 102 minutes / 1.70 hours

Redline (2009) is one of those films that I saw a few clips of and decided it looked interesting enough to sit down and actually watch the whole thing. After all, I enjoy a good anime, and if I don’t have to get invested in a multi-season show, all the better. Of course, anime can also be quite weird. As long as it looks cool, though, it doesn’t really matter. Sometimes, the more stylized an anime movie is, the more entertaining it is to watch. And Redline is certainly a stylized anime.

Produced by Madhouse, Redline has a distinct visual style that aligns with their other works. I’d probably say it’s closest to Trigun in terms of overall feel, but that’s likely because Trigun was one of the first anime I watched while growing up. There’s an almost manga-like quality to the visuals here. Plenty of hard black outlines and shadows, but with room for its bright colors to dazzle. The character designs are also decidedly unique, giving off a wholly science fiction vibe to match the high-octane race plotline. Redline is almost like someone took speed and watched Speed Racer.

I probably wouldn’t put Redline up there with some of the great anime films like Akira (1988) or Princess Mononoke (1997), but I would consider it entertaining. It’s flashy and fast-paced, and I don’t expect to get anything more out of it than to sit back and chill for an evening. Of course, the target audience is definitely male, with all the blatant fan service and action-packed machismo. These are things that are often hard to avoid in this genre of animated films, but at least I was the target audience, so I didn’t mind too much.

A uniquely stylized and entertaining anime film, I give Redline 3.5 stars out of 5.

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