VIDEO GAME: Castlevania – Circle of the Moon (2001)

Castlevania: Circle of the MoonYear: 2001Rating: TTime Played: 555 minutes / 9.25 hours It's a little odd how I really like to play Metroidvanias, but I never played one of the "vania" games that helped cement this genre of games. Fortunately, I finally found the time to start one and chose Castlevania: Circle of the Moon. Now that I've experienced this side of the genre, I can say that I totally get it. There's something about the way this game is structured that made it enjoyable to play. The one thing that I think I like from this side of the Metroidvania coin is how it is slightly more geared toward a Role Playing Game style of action game. Aside from the abilities that make a Metroidvania the "locked door" quest that it is, the RPG elements allowed me to upgrade my gear as I found new items. It also meant that if a boss was too hard, I could just grind...
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