BOOK: Cale Dixon and the Moguk Murders (2009)
Cale Dixon and the Moguk Murders
Year: 2009
Author: David C. Dagley
Length: 336 pages
Books like this one are what give independent writers a bad name. Furthermore, books like this should give independent authors pause before becoming contractually tied to a publisher. I found this book (and its “sequel”) to be so bad that I looked into the publisher a little bit. It turns out, Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Co. (SBPRA) (also known as Author Marketing Ideas (AMI)) is a big-time scam, and I hope any authors who are reading this review will keep as far away from them as possible. If a reputable publisher released this book, it wouldn’t have been nearly as unpolished as this book is. While I’m sure the author thought his story was terrific, I hope he asks for his money back.
Part of the role of a publisher, aside from distribution, is to get a book ready for a broad audience. With...