Quantum of SolaceQuantum of Solace
Year: 2008
Rating: PG-13
Length: 106 minutes / 1.76 hours

Ever since the turn of the millennium, many film franchises have taken to starting over; reinventing themselves for this modern era. From superheroes like Batman and Superman to age-old classics such as Rocky and Rambo, these franchises have been going back to the drawing board in order to pull in ticket sales. The James Bond franchise is no different. In 2006, the ranks of Sean Connery, Roger Moore, and Pierce Brosnan gained Daniel Craig as the new James Bond.

Quantum of Solace is a rather rare Bond film as it actually has a connection to its predecessor, Casino Royale (2006). It also has all the elements of the franchise. There are the spectacular opening credits, Bond girls, fancy car chases, and gunfights. Somewhat missing from the mix is the legendary set of gadgets, which was also missing from Casino Royale. Instead, an impressive graphical user interface on all the computers and cell phones (think Minority Report (2002)) replaces the somewhat obscure and specific gadgets. The film feels like an action film from the Bourne series, with vehicle chases and somewhat jittery camerawork that becomes hard to watch at times. Quantum of Solace starts with a car chase and uses any available vehicle to drive the action, including a motorcycle, boats, and airplanes. However, the action lulls in the second act, which drags the movie towards the final, fiery fight.

Daniel Craig has been hailed as the Bond closest to the literary image created by Ian Flemming. Craig takes the character and gives Bond depth and complexity to match his martini. The villain is real enough but feels like a bitter Al Gore who is using global warming to scare people into giving him control over everything. With a set of unknown actors (except for Judi Dench, and now Daniel Craig), the Bond franchise is starting over from the string of Pierce Brosnan films which tended towards celebrity and over-the-top silliness.
Fueled by action sequences and lightened by British wit and charm, this film should be enjoyable for both those wanting to become familiar with Bond films and those diehard fans. It’s definitely worth the price of admission.

The start of a connected Bond storyline, I give Quantum of Solace 4.0 stars out of 5.

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